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Terms and conditions


Article 1:

The payment must be made in cash without discount upon delivery, except in case of a deviating provision on the order form or the contract. 

Late payments will automatically and without notice of default result in a payable interest of 10%; the due date will be applicable as the notice of default without any reminders, in accordance with Articles 1139 and 1652 of the Civil Code; in accordance with Art.1248 of the Civil Code, a fixed compensation of 15% on the amount (with a minimum of € 125) will be due for all extrajudicial costs, such as administration costs, etc., by way of a penalty clause.

Article 2:

Each order will imply the acceptance of our terms and conditions by the customer.

Article 3:

Only the justice of the peace of the sub-district, or district courts of our registered place of business, will have jurisdiction in case of any disputes.

Article 4:

In case of a cancellation of the order, the customer will owe a fixed compensation of 10% of the value of the order.

Article 5:

In the event that the seller is prevented from honouring the contract due to special circumstances, he will have the right to suspend the execution of the agreement, or to regard the agreement as fully dissolved or partly cancelled, without being obliged to pay any compensation or grant a guarantee. Special circumstances are to be understood as any circumstance that will have the consequence that the fulfilment of the agreement by the seller can no longer be reasonably demanded from the buyer. This includes, amongst others, war, blocking actions, strikes, fire, uprisings, machine breakdowns and, in general, all disruptions to business, either at the factory or at the seller’s warehouses, as well as in those of third parties or suppliers.

Force majeure situations that will not be considered a risk, in any case whatsoever, on the part of Bio-health bvba, include, amongst others, illness, import, export and/or a transit prohibition, transport problems, non-timely or erroneous fulfilment of the obligations by the suppliers or transporters and malfunctions in the production process.

Bio-health bvba will not be held liable for damage caused by third parties and the buyer will indemnify Bio-health bvba against eventual damage claims from third parties. Bio-health bvba will also not be held liable for damage caused by the external transporters that are engaged by Bio-health bvba, unless this damage is attributable to intent or gross negligence on the part of the external carrier.

Article 6:

For as long as the price of the purchased goods is not paid in full, the seller will remain the owner of the goods. Despite this retention of title, it is explicitly agreed upon that the buyer will bear the risks of loss, destruction or damage to the goods, which commence at the moment of delivery of said goods.

Sold and/or expired products will not be taken back or reimbursed.

Contact details:     

Bio-health bvba
R. Vansteenbruggestraat 46
8790 Waregem

E-mail : info@bio-health.be

Bio-health bvba streeft ernaar om uw sportduiven en vogels op een 100% natuurlijke manier in een uitstekend gezondheid/conditie te brengen en te houden.
Een sterk ontwikkeld darmslijmvlies en microbioom zijn hiervoor van groot belang. Dit beschermt het organisme en verhindert tegelijkertijd het buitensporig voorkomen van parasieten, virussen, bacteriën. Gezonde darmen maken het mogelijk belangrijke voedingsstoffen op te nemen, het bevorderen van de vitaliteit en het ontwikkelen van een sterke immuniteit.

Bio-health bvba s'efforce de maintenir vos pigeons sportifs et vos oiseaux en excellente santé / condition de manière 100% naturelle.
Un épithélium intestinal fortement développé et un microbiome sont très importants à cet égard. Cela protège l'organisme tout en empêchant en même temps l'occurrence excessive de parasites, virus, bactéries. Des intestins sains permettent l'absorption de nutriments essentiels, favorisent la vitalité et contribuent au développement d'une forte immunité.

Bio-health bvba strives to maintain your racing pigeons and birds in excellent health/condition in a 100% natural way.
A highly developed intestinal mucosa and microbiome are very important for this. It protects the organism while simultaneously preventing the excessive occurrence of parasites, viruses, bacteria. Healthy intestines enable the absorption of essential nutrients, promote vitality, and contribute to the development of strong immunity.

Bio-health bvba bemüht sich, Ihre Renn-Tauben und Vögel auf 100% natürliche Weise in einem ausgezeichneten Gesundheitszustand / Zustand zu halten.
Eine hochentwickelte Darmschleimhaut und Mikrobiom sind dafür sehr wichtig. Dies schützt den Organismus und verhindert gleichzeitig das übermäßige Auftreten von Parasiten, Viren, Bakterien. Gesunde Därme ermöglichen die Aufnahme wichtiger Nährstoffe, fördern die Vitalität und tragen zur Entwicklung einer starken Immunität bei.